
Showing posts from December, 2017

five charming facts approximately mastering chinese in hong kong

In the method of gaining knowledge of chinese you'll come across very exciting data and misunderstandings as nicely. as an example, non- speaking chinese language discover mandarin talking funny and bizarre on the identical time. nicely, it is able to sound funny taking note of it for the primary time however the way it flows rhythmically is pretty charming. what i recognize most about mandarin is that you can exchange the which means of a positive word or syllable through the usage of a different pitch. sounds cool right? so, step out of your english or spanish consolation area and move study a few chinese mandarin. why should you research chinese language? here are exciting facts why. it has one of the international’s oldest cultures chinese language has an extended and mysterious records you ought to in reality explore. so as for you to study mandarin you must recognize their culture first. get to recognize approximately their customs and traditions. strive out their delic...

At least 31 injured in Colombia nightclub explosion

BOGOTA, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- At least 31 people have been injured in an explosion at a nightclub in northern Colombia after a grenade was allegedly thrown into the crowd, local authorities said on Friday. The explosion rocked the Bora Bora nightclub early Friday in the municipality of Caucasia in the department of Antioquia when dozens of people were at the club, Caucasia Mayor Oscar Anibal Suarez said in a statement to local media. The mayor confirmed that local police have captured two suspects -- a man and a woman -- for throwing the grenade. The injured people have been transferred to local hospitals in the region, according to local health authorities.


I do think that the youngest child can feel particularly driven to prove his worthiness to the parents and to the world, which can lead to a kind of ambition. On the other hand, in just the opposite way, it can lead to a kind of apathy. “I’m not going to try because the competition for the parent’s attention is just too fierce.” 我确实认为最小的孩子会觉得自己特别有动力去证明他对父母和世界的价值,这就会导致他们有野心。另一方面,恰恰相反,这也会塑造他们冷漠的性格。“当然我不会去尝试,因为想博得家长对自己给予更多的关注度的竞争太激烈了。” The latest research in the development of self-esteem places the critical period in the first two years of life, and it’s rooted in face-to-face, joyful engagement with the primary caretaker caregiver - your mother, usually. Firstborns get a lot of this, right? Because they’re the sole object of their mother’s attention. So you can imagine that firstborns tend to have higher levels of self-esteem, and tend to be more successful in life as a result. 最近的一项关于自尊养成的研究表明,在人生的头两年关键时期,自尊的形成根植于与主要照顾者的面对面愉快接触,也就是你的母亲。因此长子长女会得到很多的接触时间,对吧?因为他们是当时母亲关注的唯一对象。所以你可...


楼市巨震!银行突放大招!有房无房者狂欢吧 中国经济网 昨天10:53 建行又出手了!让所有人措手不及! 日前,建设银行广东省分行宣布:为发展租购并举,实现住有所居,该行将推出存房贷业务,提升租赁住房流动性。 “存房贷”是怎么回事? 其实,这个“存房贷”具体操作很简单! 首先,手握出租房的房东,将自己的住房租赁权出售给建行,比如5年期; 然后,建行一次性支付全部租金,比如,5年租金为50万,一次性交付给房东; 最后,建行将房源交由专业的租赁运营机构去出租。 有人可能会说,建行不会是画个大饼放空炮吧?! 那可不是,因为,建行广东分行还向社会立了军令状:明年的1月8日,这一新的存房贷业务将率先在广州推出! 也就是说,短短的半个月后后,这个租房新政就将落地。 贫穷限制了我的想象。我只知道,银行可以通过房屋抵押给你贷款,万万想不到竟然还可以变成金融行业的链家! 对普通人来说,存房贷意味着什么? 要知道,大城市有很大一部分人是以租房为生的。 比如,深圳就有80%的人在租房,其中商品房占到32.4%,每年商品房的租金总量达到了216亿,这个数据是极其庞大的。 但让人吃惊的是,现在租房市场大都是短租,深圳的换租周期仅9个月,优质长租房源更是稀缺。 网友戏称:租房十年最大的成就是帮房东还清房贷。 有了建行这一招,不仅哪些是长租房、哪些是短租房会更清楚,而且还能引导房东把原来的短租房交给建行去做成长租房。 你想,一次性拿到几十万租金,这个诱惑还是蛮大的。不出意外,市场上长租房的数量将明显增加。 有了建行当二房东,就不会发生租户租一段时间就被房东赶走的事,房租也会比较稳定,不会动不动就涨个不停。 这样,无房者租房住的体验,将明显改善。无房有房者皆大欢喜! 租房贷+存房贷=长租梦? 租房贷+存房贷的出现,使得租房和出租都能到银行就搞定,但租房贷+存房贷能否实现租客和散盘长租梦呢? 对建行来说,既当房屋出租方、又当资金借出方,可谓“一菜两吃”: 长租贷款绕过去限购限贷,取代购房贷款萎缩腾出的空间。 以前买房贷款收月供,现在租房贷款继续收月供,不买房开发商资金也能回笼,不买房银行也能办业务,获得了新的利润增长点,既拓宽了资金渠道又相对安全可控。 对房东来说: 因为能一次性得到未来...


今年圣诞节你做好出行计划了吗?如果你想体验一下浓浓的节日气氛,那么下面这10个城市都是理想选择。 Copenhagen 哥本哈根 The entirety of Copenhagen seems to transform into a wonderland this time of year. For many, it begins with food, and for others, glogg. You can indulge in both at Hojbro Plads, one of Copenhagen’s prettiest squares on Stroget, the city center’s tangle of pedestrian streets, which hosts a Danish- and German-influenced Christmas market, or at the Nyhavn Christmas Market, near the Royal Danish Playhouse, where vendors set up stalls alongside the quaint Nyhavn canal. Northern Europe’s biggest Christmas market, covering 20 acres, takes place at Tivoli Gardens, near the city’s Central Station. 每年这个时候,整个哥本哈根似乎成为仙境。很多人的圣诞节从美食开始,还有人则是从圣诞甜酒(一种混合了葡萄酒或白兰地和糖与香料的瑞典式热饮)开始。你可以在霍伊布罗广场上纵情享受,这里是市中心斯特罗里耶步行街上最漂亮的广场,有一个丹麦和德国风情的圣诞集市。你也可以前往位于丹麦皇家剧院附近的新港圣诞集市,沿着古韵犹存的新港运河,有许多小贩设立摊位。北欧最大的圣诞集市就坐落在哥本哈根中央车站附近的趣伏里公园,占地20英亩(约8万平方米)。 Malta 马耳他 The walled cities of Valletta and Mdina are your entry points to this Mediterranean ...